
Sunday, February 20, 2011

[day 4: gratitude]

you know those days when there’s something you need to hear? 
well, today was one of those days. i went to church 
[mind you, it was the first complete session i've been to in a little bit] 
i got to relief society, and it was exactly what i needed to hear. 
for a lot of things going on in my life right now.  
then, i get home, we get dinner going and we all start to talk. 
dinner is over, and it’s just jake, my mom and i
at the table. we talked for about an hour, 
and it couldn’t have been any more needed.
ah! how great is family? how great is church?! 
[let me answer that for you…so great!]

today, my post is more about gratitude than anything. i am so so 
grateful for the wonderful teachers that i have in my singles ward. 
i can say they are put in the positions they are for a reason. today, i was 
[one of] the reasons. i couldn’t be more grateful for that! 

i am also so grateful for an amazingly insightful mother, who tells me exactly what i need to hear, every. single. time. we talk. she knows how to answer my questions, she’s been through what i’m currently processing, and it is one of the best things in the entire world! 

she helps me put my best foot forward, and [cheesy, i know] but it always leaves a little mark on my heart my mom knows how to help me get where i need to be. hopefully i can [eventually] do the same for her.

and hopefully, we can all recognize that we have a lot to be grateful for. 
i, for one, have been given the very best family, for me. 
to have them as my foundation is exactly
what i need to become the best person i can be.

think about it—for me to even have a computer 
to write on, and to know how to use it, and be fluent
and literate enough in the language i’ve been taught to be able
to write this little post, is amazing! realistically, there are very 
few people that have the [so-called] simple pleasures that we
all enjoy on a regular basis.

today, with it being sunday, i am also very lucky to be within driving distance to the church of my choice. i am so blessed to have clothes to wear there, and then clothes to change into when I get home.
not only that, i have clothes to wear the next day too. how many people can actually say that? along with those clothes, i have a roof over my head, a ridiculously comfortable bed, a vehicle in the garage, and indoor plumbing. more than those things [cause if i’m being honest, things don’t really matter] i am beyond grateful to have the knowledge that i am loved. by many many people. and those people that love me are ones that i love back.

i truly think that humans just need to love
and feel loved in return,
and that is what i am grateful for today.

feel the love ya’ll.
happy sunday!

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