
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

[day 54: fort]

remember when we were all little?
and forts were thee best form of entertainment?
we'd strip our beds and clean out our linen closets,
and then find every book and
hair tie and then attach the sheets
to each other and stack books and make a house
that took up the entire basement?

i do.
and i want to build one.
how much fun was it to be inside the forts?

you could be anyone you wanted to inside your fort.

you could be
a pirate,
a princess,
a robot,
a rockstar,
a singer,
a spy,
an explorer,
or an astronaut.

[personally, i liked being a princess or a pirate]

i wish we still regularly made forts....
an amazing adventure inside your own home
you could get away, and it could last for days.
it doesn't cost any money,
and the worst part is putting it away.

what a perfect little vacation right?
i want to go on a fort adventure!
right now.

who's going to come with me?
any takers?


  1. Ahhhhhh! LOVE this! ha! Best mems of my life were in forts! Count me in.

  2. I'm building one on Friday if you want to come up to Logan! haha
