
Sunday, February 27, 2011

[day 9-11: lessons]

throughout life, we all have to learn lessons.
and those lessons are hard.
real hard.

we start by learning how to crawl.
then, we walk, run, sprint, and fall.
we talk, giggle, cry, scream and whisper.
we read, write, multiply, divide, memorize, and forget.
we learn, discover, explore, and sometimes,

we get a little lost.

right now, i'm learning some really hard lessons.
figuring out how to handle adult things like
getting my oil changed,
taking responsibility for religion,
developing a person budget,
or setting the record straight about
who i am.

i'm learning how to stand my ground [quietly]
how to perform tasks [individually]
how to find peace [personally]

i'm learning all of these things, and i'm processing it
one day at a time.
i will only continue to learn...
these are vital things to learn for a happy, fulfilled life.

however, to me, there are lessons that i'm currently
learning that can't be taught in a classroom.
as we get older, we [hopefully] learn how to interact with others.
we learn how to share love, and be loved in return.
we learn where we came from, where we are now, and where we're going.
we learn of our true potential as people.
we learn that we are truly never alone, no matter how lonely we feel.

simply put, we are all constantly learning about
the amazing world around us, and about the
astounding abilities we each possess.

as [cliche] as it sounds...
there is a spark in each of us that no one else has.
there are things that we can each bring to a group.
there are lessons that we personally
need to become the best people we can be.
and those lessons are so important.
hopefully we don't take them for granted,
hopefully we can take them as they are, and learn.

that's what they're for, right??

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